Thursday, January 8, 2009


So I just wanted to give everyone an update. Joe and I went to the doctor today and we found out that when we went in for our last ultrasound they saw that I have a low lying placenta. Which basically means that my placenta is resting on my cervix. It is nothing to worry about yet, I just have to really take it easy these next couple weeks until our next ultrasound. We go back in at the end of February to have it checked again. It can either fix itself and just move where it is supposed to be, or if it does not, I will have to go on bed rest and have a c-section a few weeks early. It is called placenta previa, here is a link if you want to read about it.

So I don't want anyone to worry yet because most likely it will just solve itself, which is what we are hoping for. I just wanted to let you know our latest update in the wonderful world of pregnancy! Besides that all is well! I will try to do better updating this because I know since I have gone back to work I have been slacking!


  1. hey has Joe lost weight. His legs look all skinny

  2. Hey hun, I just wanted to let you know I went through that as well. Mine fixed itself and I will keep my fingers crossed that yours does as well. Keep me updated
