Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The countdown is on..... I have to go back to work in two weeks. I am dreading it. I have been off of work since May 1st and have enjoyed every minute of it. I love being home with Isabella and enjoying seeing her change every day. I know she is going to be in good hands with her grandmas, but she is not going to be with me all day and that is what is so hard. There is no way around going back to work at this point, and I am so happy I still have a job in this economy. But I am going to miss my little baby so much while I am at work. The countdown will now begin until my next summer off!


  1. I am sorry hun. It is always hard going back to work after a baby (especially your first). You will get into a routine and next summer will be here before you know it!

  2. Don't countdown all the way until next summer! Countdown until Thanksgiving and then winter break and then ski week and then spring break, etc... it will make it seem MUCH more bearable! I'll be right there with you in a few short months!

  3. It will get easier. Just charish the moments you are with her. She is adorable Shannon. I hope I see her in person in the near future before she is walking. lol
